Do I need a custom crate for my dog’s move?

The first thing you will need to do to find out if you need a custom crate for your dog is to measure your dog. The measurements you will need are length, height and width, as well as the weight. Follow this link for accurate details about measuring your dog. Your dog needs to be able to sit, stand and turn around in the crate comfortably to be able to travel.

custom crate

There are three different types of custom crates. CR82’s are used to transport dogs that are on the aggressive dog breed lists. Extended crates provide more height for your pet. And customized crates are utilized for extra large dogs that can’t fit in a store bought crate.

extension crateThe extension of a crate can only be used to increase the height and is usually used when the dog’s ears or head don’t have enough room. There need to be an extra 3 inches of clearance from the top of the head or ears when the dog is sitting inside the crate. This type of crate customization allows you to buy a smaller sized crate where your dog can lie down and turn around in while adding the required inches so the ears and/or head fit comfortably. One of the benefits of extending a crate rather than going for a bigger size is that smaller crates can go on more types of airplanes than the bigger ones.

CR82-Front-250x444Crate Requirements number 82 or CR82’s are custom crates constructed of metal, hardwood, plywood or similar materials, with two secure door fasteners on each side that can’t accidentally be opened. These are required by many airlines when transporting dogs that are on an aggressive dog breed list like Pit bulls, Rottweilers, Dobermans, etc . Most airlines have dog breed restrictions on their flights and the aggressive dog breed list varies from one airline to another and from one country to another so it is wise to ask a dog shipping expert for up to date information.


Giant dog breeds like Saint Bernards, Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds and many others will need a crate customized to fit the height, width and length requirements. Since many of these dogs are not only taller but also heavier it is very important that the customized crate is made by experts. These crates tend to be quite large and need to follow specific requirements so they are safe for your dog to be transported in. If your dog doesn’t quite fit in the pre made airline approved travel crates, then you will probably need a customized crate or extended crate. Our customized crates will provide the space requirements your dog needs. While our dog relocation experts will ensure that your dog travels comfortably and safely.